The East Anglian Schools Trust

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Castle East

School Closure

Very occasionally, it has been necessary to close the school because of the weather, particularly high winds and excessive snow.

The responsibility for the closure of the school rests with the Headteacher and notice of such closure would be broadcast on the radio.

as follows:

  • Radio Suffolk, 103.9 or 104.6 FM (updates every 20 minutes or as they come in)
  • Radio Norfolk, 8.55 AM 95.1, 95.6 or 104.4 FM (updates every 20 minutes)
  • Heart FM, 96.4, 97.1 or 102.4 FM (updates every 15-30 minutes)
  • The Beach 97.4 or 103.4 FM (updates every hour)

Updates will be posted on our website: and via our Twitter feed @CastleEAST1

You can check for school closures on the following website: Suffolk School Closures Update Page

If it becomes necessary to close the school during the working day, because of severe weather or any other cause,

the following steps will be taken:

  1. Suffolk County Council’s Transport Department and the operators of school transport. Transport operators will be asked to attend as soon as possible. All students will be cared for until the appropriate transport arrives, at which time they will leave in their usual manner or in accordance with any alternative arrangement made by the Local Authority’s Transport Department.
  2. The radio stations will be asked to give out the information that the school is closing and the time at which it is closing.
  3. The pupils will be informed that the school is closing and that they should follow the instructions that parents/carers have given them in advance about what to do if the school closes.

It is anticipated that this would be one of the following:

  • Go home;
  • Go to a friend’s house;
  • Go to the home of a relative/neighbour.

An exit register will be taken and each pupil will be asked to sign to confirm where their parents/carers have instructed them to go.

I should be grateful, therefore, if you would talk with your child about exactly what you would wish them to do if an unexpected school closure is forced upon us this winter.